Code of Conduct

“The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA), in accordance with section 78(1) of the Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 1993, as amended, published the revised “Code of Conduct for Broadcasters”

All licensees are required to ensure that all broadcasts comply with this Code and are further required to satisfy ICASA that they have adequate procedures to fulfil this requirement.

In terms of this CODE

  1. Broadcasts must not be harmful to children
  2. News must be truthful, accurate and fair.
  3. Where a report is not based on fact or is founded on opinion, supposition, rumours or allegations, it shall be presented in such manner as to indicate clearly that such is the case.
  4. Comment shall be an honest expression of opinion and shall be presented in such manner that it is clearly a comment, and shall be made on facts truly stated or fairly indicated
  5. Language must not be offensive,  derogatory or amount to hate speech
  6.  Insofar as both news and comment are concerned, licensees shall exercise exceptional care and consideration in matters involving the private lives and private concerns of individuals.

Should you believe that DYR 1051 broadcasts infringe any Constitutional Rights and/or The Broadcasters Code of Conduct,  kindly email us on or email ICASA on or write to them:

The Complaints and Compliance Committee
Private Bag X10002
Sandton 2146

*Stating the exact infringement,  date and time it occurred.”


DYR1051 Office Contact Number: +27318302397

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